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Is it possible to be ready for any event if you are the strongest and fittest you can be?

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

· Are you Phosphate fit?

· Do you put 100% effort every time you train?

· Do you train for specific events?

Let me confess first that I do not particularly enjoy running. That's not my passion.

I participated in Taupo run with my workmates. The idea was to do practice runs and be ready for long-distance running on the actual event day. I never got a chance to go for practice runs.

Exercise is part of my daily routine and being an Exercise Professional I believe that if you have a strong, fit body and you are mentally tough then you would be able to run on the day without long-distance practice runs.

Our body has 3 energy systems: Phosphate, Lactate and Aerobic. The phosphate system gives you energy for round about the first 10 seconds. If you sprint or do any short intense burst of activity putting in 100% effort, you are working in Phosphate system. Phosphate system is designed for quick burst of energy, high force, 100% effort and 100% result.

After the first 10-15 seconds, you start pacing yourself and enter the next 2 energy systems.

If you put maximum effort every time you do any kind of huffy puffy exercise (Cardio) or you lift really heavy safely in the Phosphate system, is it possible that you would get maximum results from your training program?

If you know that you are really fit and strong, could that give you mental strength?

Would that be fair to say that you can only know that you can do something when you have actually done it? I had never done that long-distance run before, I regularly train in the Phosphate system with short Sprints and I knew that I would be able to run the distance but I wanted to test my belief. To be seriously honest, I really enjoyed the running without getting over tired or injured and had an awesome time overall.

If you have strong muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments and you are the fittest that you can be and you are mentally tough and strong, could that mean that you can participate and enjoy any event, particularly running without any particular long distance training?

Long-distance running is still not my passion but given a chance, I would keep participating in events to test my physical and mental fitness and strength and more importantly have heaps of fun.

Is your training program fast and safe and are you getting 100% results every time you exercise?

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